Grandeur Technologies - Introduction

Grandeur Technologies

Founder Name: Moiz Husnain

Domain/Area: Internet of Things/AI  

Problem statement:   Today we all want to have smart home products in our homes because of the features of the products like you can save energy and you can use your appliances remotely, but even today these products are very costly and it is required that you will have to upgrade your appliances. Along with this, configuring currently available solutions are way more complex and it is required to make the process frictionless.

Solution:        To resolve this problem, we are coming up with our Smart Switch Board, through which you could make your home smart without upgrading your appliances and this comes with all the amazing features like energy monitoring, smart control and automation but at a pretty reduced price. So it is fast, it is efficient and it is cost effective.

USP: (Unique selling point):         The traditional solutions are way more costly and it involves upgradation of appliances. We on the other hand are coming with a solution which is the most cost effective in the entire world (starting from Rs. 5000) through which multiple appliances can be made smart and along with this all it is fast and hence compatible with the internet speed that we have in our country which was never made for IoT.

Potential Customers:         General Home Users

Current Customers:                        Housing Societies and Building Constructors

Monthly Sales:                     NA (Currently in Prototyping Mode)

Annually Sales:                    NA (Currently in Prototyping Mode)

Abstract:       Smart homes were once a fantasy and the topic of science fiction movies but recently we realized this dream of having a smart home by introducing smart products and home assistants, which involves the replacement of home appliances with new and upgraded ones and hence makes the overall cost of the system a lot. To resolve this problem we are coming up with our Smart Switch Board, through which upgradation of the appliances will no longer be required and you can make your home smart at a pretty less cost and it is fast and even compatible with 2G and it is secure as the data that flows through it is encrypted with industrial standard encryption algorithms.