eBolt; Hybrid Bike Simtaar - Introduction

eBolt; Hybrid Bike Simtaar

Founder Name: Abdul Basit

Total Team Members: 3

Domain/Area: Automotive Industry

Problem Statement: The traditional motorbikes are not environment friendly and with the increase number of bikes on the road, our environment is affecting badly with air pollution and noise. Secondly, the maintenance of a typical bike needs a regular checkup with mechanic to keep on running condition.

Solution: eBolt, an electric bike, is environment friendly machine and every mile you ride is putting massive savings into your pocket versus driving your traditional bike. The necessary electricity to charge them is minimal. In fact, the electricity costs of an e-bike are quite close to free. A general rule of thumb is that it costs almost nothing to power your bike for 50 kms of riding and works on lithium-ion batteries. eBolt also provides cruise control, abs brake system with the maximum speed of 60 km/h.

USP: Only Local Electrical Bike

Potential Customers: B2C, Automotive Industry in B2B

Current Customers: Individuals (90 Pre-Orders) worth Rs. 6 Million