University Testing Forum & Blog - Introduction

University Testing Forum & Blog

Founder Name:Bilal Qamar


Founder picture:

Product Name:University Testing Forum & Blog


Product Picture:
Domain/Area:    Testing and Blog Portal        

Problem statement:             

Students face a lot of problems regarding academic data and notes etc. 
They are providing trial access to their data and providing comprehensive, searchable archive of every page, advertisements, info and University notes regarding their exams, about new admissions and jobs. The issues are reproduced as high-resolution color page images and supported by fully searchable text and data.
USP: (Unique selling point)

Relevant notes and data online.
Business Model: (diagram)

Potential Customers:

University Students
Current Customers:


This is where the internet steps in, a realm of student resources with bountiful information about anything, where you can learn the things (or that you weren’t interested in learning at the time), such as how to budget your money, how to arrange an overdraft with your bank, and how to iron your clothes without leaving an iron-shaped pattern. In short, all the student resources you could ever possibly need are available online. They are providing trial access to their data and providing comprehensive, searchable archive of every page, advertisements, info and University notes regarding their exams, about new admissions and jobs. The issues are reproduced as high-resolution color page images and supported by fully searchable text and data.