Hando.Pk - Introduction


Founder Name:Ahmad Ali


Founder picture:

Product Name:Hando.Pk


Product Picture:
Domain/Area:              E-Commerce
Problem statement:        Physical shopping is difficult it needs time.
Ecommerce customer service (sometimes spelled e-commerce customers service) is a strategy for providing customer service to customers on online stores. When retailers invest in improving their ecommerce customer service, delivered via a call center, live chat, or other channels, they tend to be rewarded with more loyal customers, better conversion rates, and an advantage over their competitors. 
USP: (Unique selling point)

Online selling and home delivery.
Business Model: (diagram)

Potential Customers:

All the homes
Current Customers:

Monthly Sales:

Annually Sales:


Ecommerce customer service (sometimes spelled e-commerce customers service) is a strategy for providing customer service to customers on online stores. When retailers invest in improving their ecommerce customer service, delivered via a call center, live chat, or other channels, they tend to be rewarded with more loyal customers, better conversion rates, and an advantage over their competitors. Hando.Pk helps retailers build great relationships with their customers by improving all aspects of the customer experience. Hando.Pk offers tools that handle everything from phone support to analytics, social media to internal operations. It’s fast and flexible so retailers can easily adapt to the changing landscape of consumer expectations and scale when they grow.