Computer Vision and Machine Learning Lab (CVML)


mputer Vision and Machine Learning (CVML) Lab at Al-Khwarizmi Institute of Computer Sciences focuses on the research and development of image processing tools, computer vision algorithms, natural language processing and applications helpful to community from the field of computer vision. Dedicated research staff comprising 2 PHDs and over 10 full-time research officers and undergraduate/postgraduate interns, the lab is involved in the development of core APIs required for the surveillance systems including face recognition, emotions and actions recognition and scene settings.

The purpose of this research lab is to delve deeply in active area of research of computer vision and machine learning and provide the solutions of local problems to our community. Moreover, it is a wonderful opportunity for young aspirants to get working knowledge of computer vision systems under the supervision of experts. CVML Lab offers various solutions to public places like metro stops, railway stations, bus stops, airports, parks and roads, forbidden zones like offices and railway tracks, suspicious zones and generation of video data to textual format. Some of the ongoing projects are summarized below.

In the paradigm of surveillance systems, the lab has recently started a project of “Automatic Surveillance of Video Streams” which is also funded by National ICT R&D Fund and also has collaboration with foreign institutes and local organizations. The project is focused on recognition of suspicious activities from the public places and forbidden zones by extracting the high level spatial and temporal features from video streams. The project also aims to explore the limitations of image processing and computer vision algorithms in the different environments. The development of this project will be demonstrated through a surveillance applications.

Another paradigm of Natural Language Generation (NLG) and Natural Language Processing which is focused on reduction of space required by video streams generated by surveillance cameras by converting the multimedia into textual format. In short, Computer vision and machine learning lab is capable to help the various areas of life which are not limited to provided domains.