Enabling Green Video Streaming over Internet of Things - Downloads


Demonstration of the project. description EGVS-Q8.pdf
Implementation of all energy efficient functions on green camera node. description EGVS-Q7.pdf
Performance analysis on link layer for green communication description EGVS-Q6.pdf
Implementation specifications for the proposed Green-RPL routing protocol. description EGVS-Q6.pdf
Design specifications of green communication protocol Development Design of new energy efficient IEEE 802.11 functions deccription EGVS-Q4.pdf
Performance analysis of existing efforts of green communication protocol, Design specifications of IoM architecture. description EGVS-Q3.pdf
Performance analysis of existing energy efficient approaches for IEEE 802.11 design specification of green camera node performance analysis of existing video encoding techniques. description EGVS-Q2.pdf
First Quarter Deliverable description EGVS-Q1.pdf