Multimodal Sensing Enabled Real-time Intelligent Wireless Camera Networks for Secure Spaces (May,2013--Dec,2015) - Deliverables


Elapsed TimeMilestoneDeliverablesFile
7 months report on Development and implementation of consensus development and data fusion algorithms Development and implementation of consensus development and data fusion algorithms Techical-report7.pdf
6 months report on Development and Implementation of Sensor Collaboration and Data Fusion Algorithm Development and Implementation of Sensor Collaboration and Data Fusion Algorithm Techical-report6.pdf
5 months report on Development of Data Communication and Networking Algorithms Development of Data Communication and Networking Algorithms DDCN.pdf
4 months Report on Development of Multimodal Node Hardware Platform Demonstration Development of Multimodal Node Hardware Platform Demonstration report_DMNHPD.pdf
3 months detailed architecture and design report detailed architecture and design Detailed_Network_Architecture_Design.pdf
2 months system architecture report system architecture System_Architecture.pdf
1 month hardware selection report hardware selection report Hardware_Selectoin_Report.pdf