Urdu Search Engine (USE) - [funded by ICT R&D, PKR 33.3 M] - Deliverables


Elapsed TimeMilestoneDeliverablesFile
11 months CI 1. Setting up local cluster 2. Arbitrary crawling IM 1. Language filter development 2. Age filter development. 3. Prototype Summary techniques for Mobile, Computer and SMS. 4. Prototype Integration. SM 1. Collecting Urdu corpus 2. Implementation of a b A report on local cluster development and crawling system. Reporting progress on language and age filter development.Research Report on Content Summarization. Related code and test case report. A report explaining Urdu specific issues and solutions. 4th-deliverable.zip
8 months CI 1. Basic Crawler development IM 1. R&D Urdu Summarization techniques. Technical Progress Report, explaining basic crawler development and testing. Related code and test case report. A technical report comparing other language 3rd deliverable.zip
5 months CI 1. Setting up Amazon web services 2. Crawling the WWW 3. Prototyping the crawled data IM 1. Prototyping filtering systems 2. Filter design 3. Overall design of content processing. SM 1. Index prototyping 2. Prototyping query response system Reporting architectural details of filtering and query response system and Related code and test case report. USE_2Dev_PR_v2.pdf
2 months Initial setup and Team Training Progress Report explaining the following : HR Hiring for the three teams Initial challenges and possible solutions / work-around in setting up three team's required hardware / software development / test infrastructure The specialized training for the thre Progress_Report.1st.dev.v2.pdf